Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

1656. All my troubles blown away...

First of all I’d like to thank everyone who has made kind supportive comments on my journal over the past couple of weeks...you’re a lovely lot...and a special thank you to the blip buddies who messaged me too as it has been very helpful....so....
I had my appointment last night with a consultant dermatologist and he’s completely convinced that my skin patch is some fancy unpronounceable name but basically sun damage which could be pre cancerous but he’s not concerned about it at the moment...unless it it comes back of course which would be an issue....just my ears to sort out now and that should be this afternoon all being well...then I’ll be back to my usual self with an extra helping of relief and thankfulness....
On to my image....this is for Helena....a dandelion seed blown away on the 8th May!

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