Red Squirrel


Goodbye Darkness ....

.... Hello Light.

Bigger, brighter light

Yesterday was the 21st - Yule - the Winter Solstice. From now on the days will slowly be getting longer as the sun returns from it's period of near dormancy, getting stronger and stronger with each week that passes. Yule's always been a significant point in the turning of the wheel of the year for me - yes, winter has some beautiful aspects but I'm very much a creature of the sun and the long days, it's when I'm in my element. So just knowing that longer (hopefully warmer) days are on their way always sends a slight shiver of anticipation down my spine. I LOVE Yule!

Last night was clear and dry - so, just before mid-night, I drove out the darkness with a small fire, as so many have done over the centuries .... this blip taken at 12:10am today ....

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