
By Veronica

All dressed up and nowhere to go

We were due to entertain friends for dinner tonight, but S woke up with a recurrence of the severe toothache that's been tormenting him for nearly six weeks. So I had to cancel everything.

Of course, we did all the shopping yesterday, so I still spent the morning  baking two loaves of bread and making enough roasted vegetable lasagne for ten (I always make extra). It may look simple but it took all morning to prepare and roast the veg, make the sauce, blanch the lasagne, put it all together. One dish is now in the freezer, so when we re-invite our friends at least I'll have less work to do. Does this count for the minimalism challenge I wonder?

And yes, on the non-minimal front I do still have nine massive artichokes ... I have been looking up recipes, but I think I'll leave the job of trimming and cooking them all till tomorrow ...

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