Let sleeping cats lie

The saying in our house is "let sleeping cats lie". We have 3 little cats, our little babies really. Dumb as bricks, but we love them.

But if they are asleep they give us a break from them which is nice. At best they are a needy bunch. This one talks at us, mainly says "my bowl is empty" and other things like "come look at my empty bowl", and occasionally "i've eaten everything, my bowl is now empty".

The croaky cat, the one unable to meow, but is able to say "HEEERRROOOO" perfectly (it's a bit like having a Chineseman shouting hello). She'll shout HEERRROOOO?? HEERROO?? HEEEEEEROOOOOOWWWWW? at random times of the night, usually after we've just got to sleep.

And the third cat either sits in the bathroom sink with her gob underneath the tap waiting for someone to turn it on, rubbing the tap to see if it'll come on, taking the bathroom door off it's hinges with a shoulder charge to see if the tap is running, or rubs the bowl furiously to signal that she wants the tap turned on. When she's not doing that, she'll be on your lap pushing everything out of the way.

But we love them none the less. They need to lose weight though. Might introduce them to the dog next week ;)

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