
By Debs_thats_me

Flower Friday - Leaves

Another self-grown, wild plant that I have in my garden is the African Arrowroot, other wise known as a "Canna indica L." and guess what?!? It's also edible!

The flowers are edible and the stem is edible, but what I want to focus on is the Arrowroot Powder. The Arrowroot Powder is a starchy substance that gets extracted from the root and rhizome (underground stem). It is gluten-free, grain-free, and paleo-friendly and primarily used as an alternative to flour or cornflour to thicken sauces. It's great for people with digestive sensitivities and has more fibre than potatoes. High in potassium, iron and B vitamins. Also great for metabolism, circulation and keeping your heart healthy. Stimulates immune cells to grow which in turn, boosts the immune system. So, there you have it. This plant doesn't just have pretty folds in its leaves, it's also very healthy for you! :-D

The two extras are just other shots I got today and couldn't decide which one was the most interesting.

I'm also entering it in Flower Friday - just the leaves day. Huge thanks to Anni or BikerBear for hosting. 

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