My knees hurt

By Gardener

Flooded frolics (or 'Charon' if you are hungover)

After shaking off last nights festivities I was persuaded to sling the canoe over the back fence into the flooded field. We paddled out into the middle where I was dropped off on a hummock, but still with the water up to the top of my wellies for photography duty. Unfortunately the wind then blew boy-wonder off to the far side of the mini-lake...and I couldn't move off my ridge as to get to him involved water to above my knee - health and safety-tastic.

Anyway, after 15 minutes of sweating and cursing my rescuer finally managed to paddle himself back over to me - not bad for an 8 year old with arms like pipe-cleaners.

We are now desperate for the field to freeze so we can ice-skate!!!

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