
By CharlotteJ


For the last ten years Chris and I have been abroad for Christmas. This year we are having Christmas in our new home. I was going to make my own Christmas cake this year (first time ever) but I had this idea that I didn't want a 'traditional' looking cake I wanted something that showed all the lovely places that we have been to over the years. So I made contact with the very talented lady who did Chris's 40th cake. Gave her a list of all the places we have been too and she came up with this! I LOVE IT....
Bottom tier is traditional fruit cake to keep my parents happy and the middle tier is chocolate, top tier is fake!

Hopefully you can see Sydney Harbour / Africa (Kruger National Park) / Canada / Switzerland (out of view) / New Zealand / Singapore (out of veiw) / Hong Kong (slightly out of view) / Swaziland (at the back)

Much love to everyone

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