Trunk road!

Wishing all the very many travellers a safe journey.

My shopping trip to the supermarket was amazingly stress free and uneventful. I found a parking space easily, the aisles were well stocked and I found all I needed while only crashing into one other trolley being steered by a man whose wife had said to him "just push your way through otherwise we'll be here all day" !!

My promised long walk with the dogs was definitely that and we are now all puggled! However I had managed to venture further into the arena of the felling operation and was staggered at the quantity and height of the neatly stacked lengths of timber which completely dwarfed both the dogs and me. One of my favourite walks, deep inside an ancient part of the forest, was behind these stacks and I initially completely lost my bearings and feared that the loggers had ruined it. Luckily though, after much adventure searching amongst the felled debris I eventually located the hidden path and had a wonderful daunder along it knowing that due to the work no-one had passed this way for some considerable time.

It is now dark, the tree lights are on and once I have fed the dogs I am going to persevere with my patchwork project. I came to a tricky point with it last night while I was watching Strictly and had to put it down. I couldn't concentrate on both and Strictly won!

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