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Brown’s Gatehouse, Wells
“The Brown's Gatehouse was built around 1451, by Bishop Thomas Beckington... It provides an entrance to the Cathedral Precincts from Sadler Street. It is named after the shoemaker Richard Brown, who was the next door tenant in 1553. In the 19th century it was known as The Dean's Eye.” Wikipedia
Across the Mendips to Wells this morning for a quick visit to a pottery exhibition in the cathedral cloisters, and to browse the market and shops. A sunny morning but still on the cool side. (See extra)
(I nearly had to cancel my visit to Wells today due to a sleepless night. At 2.45am I was woken by our new neighbours’ 4 month old puppy barking and whining in the garden. Until 4am, the poor thing barked and whimpered, and was constantly scratching at the door to be let in. I have no idea what was going on, all the lights were on in the house. I couldn’t sleep, not just because of the noise, but because I was worried about such a young puppy being so distressed out in the cold, and that something was wrong, I even got up and went outside. Eventually all went quiet. I haven’t seen our neighbours or the puppy today, so the mystery continues...)
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