Sunshine on Maisie

This photo was taken before today really kicked off. I loved the sunlight catching Maisie's fur, and the adorable little expression on her face.

My Mum's not been well for a while (on top of her M.E.) and after some tests conducted by Bupa, it turns out she had a stroke in December which went undetected. We are all angry and upset, but are all here to support her.

Later on in the afternoon, my boss called to tell me that my department is downscaling. Doesn't look too promising does it? I did appreciate her calling as I am off sick, so it was nice to find out from her.

A big shout out to my Dad (hey big G!) as after he read my blip for yesterday at work this morning, felt awful that he never made me any pancakes. The star that he is, made me pancakes this afternoon. Thank you!!

* Special mention, it is my boyfriend Scott's 365th blip today, so if you haven't done so already...go congratulate him on all his efforts!

Here's to a happier Thursday!

One year ago - Maisie being adorable (yet again!)


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