Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Books, books, books... I love books, very much. Love to read.
But, the thing that buggs me a bit is when authors write amazing first two books in a trilogy and then... nothing... 
James Clemens is not going to write the last part, I think... I've given up. Patrick Rothfuss, I do have more confidence in. He has a blog were he keeps us fans updated in various stuff. 
The book Shadowfall was written in 2005, and I think the second book Hinterland came out a year or perhaps two, after. James Clemens have another author name, James Rollins, and in that name he write fabulous thrillers. I have a lot of his books. But, I still want to know what happened to the characters in Shadowfall and Hinterland...  
I'm also waiting for George R R Martin to finish Game of Thrones, but since that series been converted into a tv show, that's kind of another story. I just wonder if he'll ever finish the last books (two, if I'm not misstaken) and if they will differ a lot from the show. 

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