Strange day

Well this day didn't pan out as planned.

We went to Vue mini mornings to see a film about a mole that wanted to play football. All was going well until CyclopsJnr swallowed one of his pick n mix funny and said it was stuck in his throat. He was breathing, but coughing, so we stepped out and I tried to extract it. I gave him some water and some swift slaps to the back, and tried to get him to cough it up or sick it up. He said it was still stuck and that it hurt. I asked to see a first aider and happily Vue's first aider was also a trainee nurse. She tried the same things I did but no luck. She recommended we go to a doctor. She was brilliant, she let CyclopsJnr have her Grinch lanyard and gave us comps to come back another day. Very kind.

So. On a Sunday, doctor = A&E at the Sick Kids. MILES from Ocean T. Huh. Taxi. 

Triaged, and CyclopsJnr's oxygen level was fine and he was breathing so no urgency. But he said it hurt and was quite upset.

Then, after about a half hour in the waiting room he said it was gone.

I went back to triage and explained, and the nurse said we were next so might as well stay and get checked.

The doctor was also kind, she had a check down his throat and gave him a drink. She said he seemed fine, nothing damaged, but that he had a wheeze which could indicate the sweet had gone down the wrong way but she was almost certain he actually had a wheeze because he'd had a cold this week. She suggested that - rather than do anything invasive - he should just have a bit more of his inhaler and come back if he experienced any further issues.

That was that. He's fine.

So we made the best of being on the wrong side of town on a stunning day. We bought a picnic to eat in the Meadows, then spent a good two hours at the playpark.

Home via B&M to choose some party plates/cups.

Strange day.

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