Portsmouth and beyond...

By johnnyc1959


No idea whether this is bio-degradable, recyclable or otherwise, but in the light of the current concerns about plastics, another one of those stop and think moments...

Particularly if it's exercising those at Farmers Weekly... (16/4/2018) " Plastic pollution focuses farms on correct treatment of waste"

'Agriculture is certainly not the main source of waste plastic in the UK, but it produces sufficient amounts to make the authorities view it as a sector that needs to be monitored and controlled.

The bulk of plastic packaging arising in the UK comes from the grocery sector – in 2014 the figure was about one million tonnes of waste plastic, according to the Waste and Resources Action Programme (also known as WRAP).

By contrast, the same data suggests agriculture accounted for about 13,000 tonnes of waste plastic – the bulk of this being film-based in the form of silage wrap and sheeting.

However, despite not being the biggest source of waste plastic, the Environment Agency (EA) still regards farm plastic as a big waste stream and says farmers need to manage it carefully in order to prevent it escaping into the environment.

While the amount of waste plastic produced by each individual farm is relatively small, it adds up'.

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