
By seddon


I slept very well last night and woke up in a lovely smiley mood. Me and mummy walked Thomas to school in the sunshine in my new carrier, I love it because I can nosey around, and mummy loves it because it's not as hot as my other one!
I fed a lot this morning to make up for sleeping overnight, but inbetween I was very happy and very awake, so mummy was quite worried that I would sleep or be grumpy all the way through hartbeeps..
I had fallen asleep in the car, but woke up as soon as we got to hartbeeps. And I stayed awake, smiley and chatty!! Today's session included lots of singing, some baby massage, and a theme of frogs and rain. I loved it!
I needed feeding after the session so mummy ordered a drink in the cafe and chatted to a few other mums for a while.
After picking Thomas up from school we sat outside enjoying the sunshine before tea. Mummy and Thomas played some games and Thomas practised his football tricks whilst I had a little snooze.
After tea it was time for kids club, where I had lots of cuddles with Auntie Nics and Auntie Rachel. At the end of kids club everyone sang happy birthday to Thomas and Hollie, starting their 5th birthday celebrations early!

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