Life on the edge...

By bru22

Hello, My name is Logan...

...and I too, like Jen... Have chubby cheek syndrome...!

Last night was, amazing. I am smitten. I woke up this morning to my seriously cheeky girlfriend bringing out a little stocking with MORE presents for me. She is just... Too good to be true.

We had a lazy Christmas morning before heading over to L and G's house where I met another of K's best friends, her husband and BABY LOGAN! Where we share a brief discussion on cheeky chops monkey face syndrome. :-) How cute is he!!!

Managed to drive home as the roads had cleared but thinking of my friends in Stonehaven who have been badly struck by flooding. Hopefully the rain stops for Christmas.

"People go to the zoo and they like the lion because it is scary. And the bear because it is intense, but the monkey makes people laugh."
Lorne Michaels

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