Left for the canal at 5.45am on a beautiful morning. Saw the swans, but they were all asleep, apart from the little one peeping out of mummy.
As I went to look if I could see the little pregnant deer I managed to see this lovely bullfinch with nesting material in it's beak, so thrilled to manage to blip it before it few off.
I had friends from Ayrshire arrive in the morning to get their dog clipped, and then we all went off for a lovely Italian lunch. Home now, and stuffed, however once I have a rest I will do some more weeding and then if I have the energy I will take the dogs for  swim.
Well I better head for the garden, hope you all have a wonderful sunny day, and thank you for your visit.
Meant to mention the extra is the female swan with one little one peeping out, they were all sleeping so this is the only shot. They are now a week old.

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