Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Fields of Gold

The cats had an appointment with the vet this morning, for their annual injections. The worst bit is getting them into their carriers for the journey. Percy soon realised what was going on and made a bid for freedom, in spite of a locked cat flap and a pile of boxes in front of it.  He demolished the boxes in seconds and the plastic catch on the flap only just held.

They were very good in the car, and at the surgery. The people in the dog house were us - I am ashamed to say how much weight Douggie has gained. He is officially a large cat now.  There is going to be a new regime around here, starting tomorrow.  Tonight, they are both very subdued - no clamour for food at 4 pm, and when I put their bowls down they didn't raise their heads. I think they found it all a bit traumatic - I know I did.

We had to go by a round about route as our road is still closed. Every field in the county seems to have an oilseed rape crop this year. It frankly is too much for the eyes, especially when the sun shines as brightly as it did this morning. 

I took a few pictures - all painful to gaze on - so I've had a play with this one to introduce a few more colours than green and gold.

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