Frustrated Artist

By Apothecary7

Canalside Living

Another super sunny day for my Monday off :-)
We decided to drive up to mid Argyll (about 60 miles) and go for a walk along the towpath of the Crinan canal. We parked at Bellanoch bridge and walked the 2 miles or so along to Crinan. All the seats outside the coffee shop were busy, with people enjoying the sunshine. We prefer the cool inside and we know dogs are allowed so we had lunch inside and everyone cooled off for a while. Fergus lay in the cool tile floor but popped up when the bacon rolls arrived.
After lunch we walked back along the towpath to the car stopping to chat to Fraser MacIver who was painting in his garden near the water's edge.
We then drove the few miles to Lochgilphead and stopped to have a look at Danny's garden centre and shop where I bought some saxifrage for the garden and so I could get some acrylic inks from the Archway Gallery art shop.
A lovely way to spend my day off :-)

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