Journal of Jackie

By Jackie18

Hair wash at last!

Today wonderful Chantelle and Claire ( staff nurse and support worker )washed Rafi's hair. He hasn't had it washed for 6 weeks, and so I'm guessing he feels a weight has been lifted!
Unfortunately after his hair dried he had to have the bandage put back on as he still has a drain in his head. It was lovely to see his hair again, although it is in need of a good trim.
His friend Olivia came to visit again and brought his Christmas present.
Rafi has been really settled today, more mouth movements which are lovely to see.
I came onto the ward this morning at 7.30 am to see him awake and watching the TV! I like to get onto the ward before he wakes up, but as I don't sleep too well don't think I can get to the ward any earlier.

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