
The angry, muddy sea today, getting thoroughly peed off about being filled with mud and crap from the land, after the flooding. It was chucking a lot of it back onto the beach, and the sea foam was a rather ugly yellowy-brown.
Although it's not rained today, it's been really gloomy (hence bad quality photo), and rain is still pouring off the fields.

We're hearing there's more rain on the way. It's not here yet and there's a sense of impending doom in the air. Richard's managed to acquire some sandbags for the shop because it's on a bridge and the water came pretty close yesterday, but it's not really us we're worried about.
Poor old Braunton. The novelty of hearing it mentioned on the news has well and truly worn off. One of the bloggers I follow writes about it and has some photos here: Skipping Over Quicksand - Braunton Floods

I wrote a blogpost today about writing: Words
Some thoughts started spilling out when I was in the shower so I thought I'd get them down and see where they went. This time of year is always a time for contemplation and looking back .

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