Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Busy as a Bee...

... That's what I've been.

This is the longest interval I've ever had in between entries.

Life is busy.
The Elderlies are taking up a heap of time.
One of them is poorly, and has been for a few months (since a wicked attack and robbery at home. I expect criminals, who manage not to actually murder their victims, assume that when they have escaped with their swag everything returns back to normal? Insurance pays, and bruises heal?
Not so, sadly).

However, we must (and absolutely do) dwell on the positives in the here and now. I mention the above in case you might think I've been idling my time away, forgetting all about photography!
I have missed it massively.

It's been a glorious day here, and looks like being a glorious evening too.
Today has been a blue sky sunny day, and for the first time there are bees in the plural, rather than an odd bee.
I miss blipping!

I intend to attempt a few back blips during the next few weeks, but we'll see.
Life remains somewhat uncertain.

Last time I went out with the camera I spent a while stalking the bank voles, only to find that the exciting little face that popped out of the wall was not a vole at all, but a mouse!

 (Do mouses run voles out of town I wonder? And steal their hice?). 

Comments for now, I'm afraid, are likely to be as rare as hen's teeth, but I send warm wishes to all.

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