
By LifeLines

The Glade

Looking into this glade, I was charmed by the effect of the early evening light on the warm tones of the grasses and the trees.  All was silent apart from the birds singing and calling to one another.  I'm finding peace and quiet, time for calm and gentle thoughts, really important at the moment.

A day working from home with a trip to my allotment at lunchtime and before dinner to do some gentle weeding and to plant out my sunflowers which were becoming very straggly in the miniature greenhouse I have in the garden.  The greenhouse has been a bargain, it cost £25 and is crammed full of plants that I would have had no space to rear in the house.    I've had great fun sowing seeds and nurturing them.  I just hope they fair okay once exposed to the ravages of life at the allotment! 

Sending you all my best wishes.

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