And you...

The cake is a success! Only after adding marzipan I have to wait 24-48 hours before I can ice it! Doh! Next year I'm starting in October!! It looks pretty good though... I'll need someone else to judge that though, I don't like fruit cake. I like square cakes though, thanks for the borrow of the tin Mum. It'll be easy to ice it with adult supervision. I hope. Boxing Day birthday cake Dad?!

Lazy start
Silly photos in a photo booth (stolen from Smithski)
Last minute shopping
Christmas presents

Do what makes you happy......always and forever...just be happy ~ Giacomo

Aceness! x

Thank you for all your comments on spotlighting yesterday's retro effort... I'm a butterscotch convert! There was strawberry jelly involved too! Hahaha!

115 sleeps!

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