
By Richharris

Site Visit

I can't normally upload photos from work due to social media policies on sites. However, as this photo was taken from a public bridge I thought it was fair game. It doesn't look like much but that's the East Coast Mainline just outside Peterborough where currently one freight train per hour crosses the tracks preventing up to two passenger trains running. Morgan Sindall are creating a "dive under" at the cost of around £200m to allow the freight trains to pass underneath. Amazingly the extra two passenger trains per hour makes the project economically viable.

I'm not involved in this. I was just there for a meeting and they showed us around but it's a really interesting project which involves boring two small tunnels to use as a guide then jacking a vast concrete box under the line. There's not much to see in the photo, just a stream diversion in the foreground and some piling works in the distance but it was also a lovely day to be out in the sunshine!

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