A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Family resemblance

My brother seemed to take delight today in selecting some of the younger members of the church (those to whom my face is not so familiar) and asking if they knew who I was.

He seems to think we obviously look like brother and sister...I wonder where he gets that idea from?!

I can't remember the last time I was home for a Sunday...but this one has been wonderful :)

Lots of hugs "hello" and "how are you"?
(Re)introducing myself to the newer additions
Catch-up chats
Delicious team dad/mum Sunday roast
(Very) lazy afternoon
Wonderful candlelit carol service (it's true what they say, the Welsh can sing!)
More hello hugs and catch-up chats
Brother/sister goofing
Scrabble session with mum

Ah :)

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