
By LifeLines


Merlin had a busy morning and was well and truly ready for his mid morning snooze!  He had me up in the night, twice, so I too fancied a nap but had other priorities, like work!  However I can't complain as I've had two dog walks in the sunshine and a quick trip to the allotment to do the watering - in the sun with the birds swooping and calling around me.  It is a real treat working from home as it means I get the opportunity to see much more of Merlin and Andy, and to do handy jobs at lunchtime.  

Feeling like I need a change of direction a little with my work, not a radical shift, but a tinkering with my current role and the pursuit of pastures new with something completely different that could be developed over time in conjunction with my current job.  I've been thinking about it for a while but hesitated as so much else has been going on.  The timing of this venture, if it happens, will be important!

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