
This Forget-me-not was hard to capture sharp on a blip when it was moved by the wind. I was on my way to the pedicure to let her treat my foot. Lately there has been a very small spot that annoys me, causing tiny sharp stinges.

We have a busy weekend ahead. Tomorrow we will go to Amsterdam to have a birthday dinner. Our boy is turning into 28. Next day Bert is going to the aunt Betsy day and I am expected at my cousin's house for a party to celebrate his fiftieth birthday. This wasn't initially the reason for the party. Not many family members will be present, I'm afraid, so changed from a family day to his birthday. Fingers crossed for at least meeting one of my father's sisters.

Next day, we have planned to walk a part of the route between (the very north of the Netherlands) Pieterburen and Spa (Belgium) that is not yet completely closed.

The pedicure inspected my foot, removed some corns and calluses and adviced me to leave out the orthopedic insoles I have, for a short time now and then. Time to wear summer sandals, I guess.

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