In An Instant

By MrRosewarne

'Christmas Eve Cool Change'

A very warm night last night, only getting down to a minimum of around 24 degrees. We were woken to a howling wind this morning and our open shed door banging loudly as the wind changed in either direction or velocity.

As the day unfolded, the cool change slowly drifted through to quite a pleasant afternoon although the sky has been grey and overcast all day.

I went for a walk with the camera around our neighborhood before lunch and came back with.....yep, you guessed it, more grass shots, a couple of railway line images, some of our streetscape, a few butterflies but not much else.

I was hoping that Santa would arrive on the back of the local Fire Brigade Engine, before I blipped tonight, but I think I had better get this done now as I might be a little bit busy tonight . 'Wink-wink'

These seed heads are only about 10mm long each, and it wasn't until I was processing the image, that I zoomed in and saw what detail was captured. Surprised myself again. I love it when that happens.

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