
we had a WONDERFUL church family nativity with the standard 'tea towel on head, sheep under arm, tinsel on the head, baby in mary's arms. someone holding a star and all singing and smiling' moment with everyone who was joining in.....from age 8months to about 80 years!
we created this 'heavenly host of angels' during the service :)

such madness yet awesome madness because a room full of people were hearing about how Jesus came to save us...this movie explains it better.

its really hit me again today about how there is wayyy more to life than how you dress, look, how many facebook friends you have or who you get a christmas card or present off. Christmas isnt about having the warmest and biggest house to be in, or the most food to eat, or the most expensive gifts.
its all about Jesus.
the one who came as a little baby, tiny and fragile, born in a smelly stable. Gods own Son. and His birth means we can have a personal relationship with God!

Despite how the world portrays it, Jesus's birth is the reason we celebrate christmas. so over this holiday time, how about remembering Jesus as you open presents on christmas day, and think about the best gift ever received - JESUS!

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