
By atoll

Comb-Over Were Having A Party

MrsB suddenly blurted out "everyone has their hair cut at Christmas" and I quickly realised this was not a general rhetorical statement, but an idle threat instruction directed at me. So it was that my lazy breakfast was curtailed (smoked haddock and eggs poached in milk on a toasted and buttered potato cake) and the Babyliss instrument of torture taken out and fired-up immediately.

Afterwards, this put me in mind of friend Keith, a fellow of the folically challenged school, who I had asked on Saturday when was the last time he had had his fringe cut. Sadly, neither of us could remember.

I remembered my dad who in the 80's still had the dwindling remains of a 'Bobby Charlton comb-over'. My dad's last mistake in that department was falling asleep drunk on the sofa one Christmas night, and my equally tipsy mother and sister then cutting it all off whilst he slept. What a sad end to his full head of hair, and what a trauma for any self respecting slap-head.

Over on the other side of the world, MrsB refers to the male vanity of the comb-over as a "Bolhufathikolhu". This poetic description technically describes the black lace headpiece worn decoratively over womens hair in their traditional Maldivian dress. Our brother-in-law Husney had a Bolhufathikolhu of such mammoth length, that when he drove us in his speedboat very fast, his flapped around madly like a long flag pennant. It could have taken his eye out.

So, here is my little homage to Bobby Charlton, my dad and Husney and all our lost 'fringes'. Christmas is always a time to remember these old friends long de-parted (geddit?). Hair today, and gone tomorrow so to speak (sorry). My own Bolhufathikolhu was provided here by MrsB.

Despite these sad longings, I have a lovely lazy afternoon in prospect. Food-wise tonight, we are going to have fresh anchovies sandwiched between sage leaves and deep-fried for starters, followed by a main course of Grilled Lobster with hot lime-chilli butter and a Haloumi salad. All this, washed down by some freshly made Mojitos cocktails.

Merry Christmas to all you Blippers out there!

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