am bioran

By AmBioran

Shadows in the Blackness

Wet from the start, today was a bit of a washout. Whilst collecting the wildlife camera I'd planted near a badger sett on the hill, I noticed a sign mentioning a visit from the local community police team and wildlife rangers later in the morning. 

Once home, I checked the camera's SD card. Bingo! A family of badgers playing throughout the night within the beam of the infra-red sensor. 

I thought it might be of interest to the aforementioned folks so headed up to the advertised location at the end of their stint. Disinterested would be describing their reaction with enthusiasm. "Oh yes, there's lots of badgers on the hill". Meh, off I harrumphed. 

Later, in the rain I went for a dog walk beside the sea in West Lothian. The castle at Blackness was doing a roaring Outlander trade. 

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