Surfing Playa De Las Canteras

A cloudy start to the day, cleared up out West, cloudy again in the north, and sunny back east.  It's been breezy all day. 

Up early, and caught the coach for a trip around the island.  We went back to a few places we've already been, but had a guide this time.  We also went on another scary road, this time along the west coast.  Had lunch at Puerto de Las Nieves, before heading into Las Palmas.  We got some time to walk about the shops and beach there.  Back to the hotel by 4pm, and headed for the pool.  Been out for a steak tonight, and now some live music. 

I found out why it's always cloudy up north, due to trade winds blowing in clouds, and they can't pass the mountains, so the cluster up north.  So these surfers were hard to catch in the right light, but they were enjoying themselves all the same.  Surfers on Playa De Las Canteras, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria. 

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