Photo Journal

By mlp

Road Trip!!!

I'm really good about not spending money and saving for something special if I have somewhere to put it. So here's my jar for my summer road trip.

This money is for a trip to Connecticut, where most of my mother's side of the family lives. Its been good long while since I've been up there. My grandmother spends the summer there every year and since I figure I can take the time off right now I'm going to be driving her up this year. After spending some time with the family I'll make the trip home to FL on my own.

I'm really looking forward to all of the trip. On the way up we will take it pretty slow - stopping if we see something cool. We are also thinking about stopping in D.C. as I've never been there before.

Will be really great to see everyone up there again too. Especially since one of my cousins will be having a baby in April and I'll get to see him! She is the first of us cousins to be a mom so its pretty exciting.

I'm also looking forward to the homeward drive even though I'll be on my own. Driving doesn't bother me at all...will be nice to just blast some good music and enjoy the fact that I'm driving down the east coast.

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