Fun Morning

SWMBO, Bags and LML headed off quite early to the shops to collect the turkey, veg etc for tommorw.

This left the Cygnet and myself to go to the shop for the paper.
As we left the house the bins were being collected.
Great as far as the Cygnet is concerned .... he loves watching the activity and the lorry (the "been truck" as he calls it) and the crew are always very friendly and say Hello and wave -- which of course he returns.

It was then a game of 'Rubbish Bin Slalom' all the way along the street .

When we got along to the shops (by a circuitous route) he insisted on walking along the low wall - whilst holding my hand I am glad to say.
This was after being distracted by things like cars, sticks, trains, a helicopter ........
Just being a gloriously curious little boy really.

He is very good at handing over the paper and payment and saying 'Thank You' when things are handed back to him.

So I agreed to him having a treat of a bag of miniature Smarties.

When we came out of the shop the sky was getting very dark and ominous so it was straight home at full speed ............. as full speed as a wee lad will go of course.

As we got just about to the house the front door opened and who was standing there?
Guess who had gone all the way to work in Glasgow only to find out he was meant to be off?

The sky was great

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