Got a taxi to London at 7:45. We arrived in plenty of time for our 9:00 start. The first part was walking around the Marsden Hospital in Chelsea...not an area I’m familiar with so a bit of window shopping helped to pass the first 2 miles. The rest of the team needed a wee stop...already!!!...I carried on..as I’m the slowest in the team. I met a lovely family and walked with them for 2 miles before the others caught up. They we’re convinced I’d caught a bus!!!!...cheek :))
We walked together across Wimbledon common before I lost sight of them again :(
I was boosted to see the halfway mark and caught up with them at Raynes Park where we had a wee stop. Again I set off first but they soon caught me up! Then the rain came...quite a relief actually as it was soo muggy! Then onto stop at the 10 mile mark as this was now the furthest I’d walked on training. We stopped and I packed my knee with ice and we all had our picnic lunch. It was only a 15 minute stop but was welcome before we headed off again.
The next few miles were very drawn out. I was grateful that one of my friends walked with me as the rest strode off. (i had told them all to walk at their own pace so it was fine)
The Rev and O met us after the 12 mile mark. That was a boost. The Rev walked on with Heather and O walked with me.
#we all met at last mile marker for a photo.
#it was great to see the end...
#and to walk over the finish as a cheering team holding hands.
#couldn’t resist this photo opportunity. :)))
We think we’ve raised £6,000 as a team and our friend has responded well to treatment which was a boost.... but my tennis friend sadly is still struggling.
Afterwards we went back to Sarah’s to celebrate her birthday...what an unusual way to spend the day!!....we shared a birthday cake ...yes still celebrating :p)

Together we can make a world where cancer no longer means living with fear, without hope, or worse. Patrick Swayze

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