Crib service

3years 64days

A wonderful Christmas Eve day! We met a friend for a wander round the garden centre, where we did their Christmas treasure hunt, for which she won a yummy chocolate Robbin. We then went to buy our rabbits a Christmas present- Katie had decided she wanted to buy a tunnel for them, which we found.

We then went for lunch with dear old friends, who I used to childmind for and who's children are now almost all grown up and adore spending time with my child now. They live on a farm, which Katie loves.

Mid afternoon we headed home and got ready to go to the crib service with my cousins children. Katie was amazing and melted my heart entirely. She was the angel Gabriel and also played the role of the star too, all with the help of a bigger girl and Monkey. She wore their lovely angel dress, wings and halo. She also melted the church as she led the wisemen round the church waving her stars, and stood beautifully waving her stars above the nativity scene. She then went round doing the collection so proud.

To finish the day off, we are just in the early stage of our annual Christmas party, Katie learning the rules of the QI board game and telling my young cousin a story about a rabbit, a frog, a princess and a monster called Steve.

Come bedtime, Katie curled up on my dear cousins knee for her first ever reading of The NIght Before Christmas. She laid out goodies, including whisky for Santa at grandads instruction. Katie and I snuggled up reading the story again. I went to get her more milk and she laid reading the story to monkey and fell asleep singing away in a manger

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