Heart and Souled

By DebsP

A Ton Up Twice

These mince pies arrived with H and C today sugar dusted to perfection and scattered with hearts. I've hearts everywhere in our house, so they're fitting right in for the short time *ah hum* they'll be staying. Thank you lovely people. Hands off, I've counted them!

And thank you to you lovely people too, who drop by here. I treasure our friendships. I apologise for there having been 783% more tears lately than your average blip journal. As my big sister said when she stopped by "Stop it little sister"! I'll try ;-).

Someone knocked the door this morning. It was the man to pick up two framed photos of mine he's buying for his partner for Christmas. MrP fielded him as I shouted through "go in the kitchen, I'm in my nightie! I've got to run upstairs". Nice to know you're buying off a professional isn't it?!!! It was only 1100 o'clock after all.
Thank you to Blip Central, I'd still be in my nightie never taking pics if this place didn't exist! I hope you have mince pies to hand "Christmas blip team" xXx

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