
By 1YearInAddis

Lion around

Ok, that's a desperate pun. Not a very nice Christmas present for anyone.

We had another good day. First was a morning safari around Ngorongoro crater. We didn't see a cheetah, which was our quest, but saw just about everything else.

After that, we drove to Lake Manyara Park. It is mainly forest, and a huge salt lake. Again, lots of animals and birds. The monkeys and baboons are particularly plentiful. We enjoyed it as much as or more than the crater.

The photo (lions with kory bustard and wildebeest in the background) is what you get when you stick a smartphone camera behind a pair of binoculars. It takes some persistence, but not a terrible end result, I think. It was Sunil's idea. ( Ask him about using the facilities when there are large carnivores around!)

Happy Christmas Eve!

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