Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Christmas Traditions

A mince pie, glass of brandy, carrot and magic reindeer dust to sprinkle on the drive. What more can you ask for?

Kids have been hyper all day. Managed a quick Skype with G&G but the silliness was beginning. Skyped Belgium and tried to have a conversation but silliness got worse. In the end I had to go as C had managed to knock over a photo frame, dismantle part of the tree with her foot and the crib was in danger of getting lost around the room as both of them were fighting over the pieces!

A little later Aunty Jo and Dutch arrived. After lunch we went for a walk in the woods, initially in the rain but it did dry up after a little while.

When Aunty Jo left we did an early bath. Tea was at slow but done by 5.45. Food for Santa and Rudolph put out on a table in the hall, dust sprinkled liberally on the drive, teeth, toilet, story and bed, asleep by 18.30, no silliness. (Lets hope it stays that way. I can remember last year C waking at about three am needing the toilet, which was unheard of even then, and managing to get her in and out of her room without noticing the bulging stocking on her door knob!)

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