The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Tractor bear

Blipbear has arrived in Yorkshire for Christmas, and being a willing and helpful bear, he was soon at work driving the old Fordson tractor and trailer as wood was gathered in for the fire. The old Fordson Dexter was the favourite tractor of Wifie's farmer father, Bernard. It is still working and lovingly cared for by Wifie's brother Ed.

Ed and the jazz quartet gave an epic performance of Christmas carols in the Fleece last night. We shall be having a quieter time in this evening, gathering strength for tomorrow.

There have been a couple of offers from blippers to entertain Blipbear on his travels. He will be heading to the US in July, so he has plenty of time for a grand tour of Britain before then. He will be heading north after he leaves Arnside.

Have a wonderful Christmas, everybody.

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