My Drink of Choice

Add another bug to the mix - Norovirus arrived last night - and quickly at that. Also add Dioralyte to the tissues and painkillers. It was hung on the handle of the front door - no one wants/is allowed into this toxic house. Wouldn't wished that one on anyone, although stopped being sick and can get up stairs now without stopping.

I've also got a black eye as I passed out and came too lying on the bathroom floor. My whole face is sore where I landed. It was the worst feeling ever, I thought I was on the way out, the roaring in ears was unbelievable and went all clammy.

So, no Christmas dinner for me. Luckily we were all going to my brother's place in Dunblane so everyone else will get their meal.

I'm just going to think it's just another day, it's not Christmas, I'm off work ill and holed up in bed. I will try not to think of previous Christmas times with all the family, the noise and laughter and the kids, cos if I start going down that train of thought that's when it would get unbearable.

Thank you for your best wishes yesterday, it was nice getting them - you will understand why I couldn't respond!!!!!!

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