Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Ok, so... I must confess that I took this photo yesterday when I walked home from work. Today there has been now time or energy to take a decent shot.
Walking home was... nice. Apart from that the weather report said it would be cloudy, and it was blasting sunshine... and apart from that I just put suncream on my face, neck and lower arms and then left the suncream at work, because the clouds would be coming... It was a hot walk home. I need suncream so that I don't transform into the colour of a boiled crayfish. I didn't walk very fast, I enjoyed the scenery and since I haven't walked home before it became quite longer that it could've... But, now I know what way to go for next Monday.
Today I left work earlier to go to an appointment. So, I didn't spend much time at the greenhouse, but it was at least really effective spent time. My appointment was in the town city, so I went to the gym afterwards for a workout. :)

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