Frustrated Artist

By Apothecary7

Before the Rain Came

Day off and of we went to Westport for a walk and perhaps lunch at Glenbarr.
Just as we started off Bran the Afghan hound, who lives over near the start of Low Askomill, came along with his owner and we stopped to have a chat. Bran has not been well of late but today he was quite bouncy and seemed to enjoy meeting Fergus.
We carried on walking in the direction of Machrihanish towards the seat that looks out to sea.
While we were sitting a dark cloud had been coming closer from the Islay direction so we started to head back.Unfortunately we got rained on all the way back along the beach. By the time we got back to the car the three of us we were looking a bit bedraggled .
Our planned lunch at Glenbarr had to be abandoned and we went home to get changed and dried off before lunch.
Painting in the afternoon after some housework :-)

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