Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Dressing the tree (Day Six)

Two of our friends, M and J, came for lunch today. I find that events arranged at the last minute often go well. I made spicy parsnip soup and a couple of loaves of ciabatta, courtesy of a bread mix. We have cheese, humus and lots of fruit. It was a convivial atmosphere and a good start to Christmas proper.

Sorting out a Blip for today was anything but simple. I took a series of images of the lounge using the tripod and aimed to make a full panorama. I won't bore you with the problems of doing this in a shoe boxed shaped room. This image is made from 14, but goes round 3 walls. It has an odd effect on the eyes, but it does show you the context for our lovely tree. Must be seen large.

Tomorrow is the last Christmas tree blip and will be a lot simpler!

My copy of Landscape photographer of the year arrived today. Hooray!

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