Busy Tuesday
Lie in this morning (not helped by falling asleep in he chair in the lounge and waking up at 2:45am!).
WI this morning - we had a swish event (you take clothes to swap or put money into charity); after coffee our speaker was Francelle Bradford White (author of this book), who was passionate about the story (a recount of her mothers time working in Paris during the war and being part of the renaissance). She had her books for sale, a major amount of the cost of the book goes towards Alzheimer’s/dementia (which her mother suffered with). She has managed to raise a considerable amount of funds already, enough to fund an Admiral nurse for a year.
After WI, quick trip to the supermarket - shopping for AJ and lunch for me. Sat in the car having lunch listening to Jeremy Vine, I love a good debate :)
I know it’s my non-working day, but our IT system is having some modifications and we have, for today and tomorrow, the supplier of the system we use working with us on making these changes. Downside to going into work is you can’t help but read emails - one in particular made me quite disgruntled, I need to wait before responding face-to-face or by email otherwise I may not do myself any favours.
Then on to AJ to deliver her shopping and for her to try a swimming costume on - where she is living there is a swimming pool and she has been longing to give it a try out. :)
Back home, tea then feet up (my night for the remote control) :)
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