
By AnnieBScotland


this is a calm Lake Ontario, a ten minute walk from my brother's house. In the early hours of the morning, just over a mile from this spot, a 62 year old man set fire to his house and when the firemen arrived he opened fire on them, shooting 2 of them dead and injuring two, before killing himself. Seven homes have been destroyed and it is still uncertain whether there are any more casualties. Senseless killing at any time, but on Christmas Eve...

I am glad I don't live in this country with its gun culture.

Life goes on for us fortunate ones. Gabrielle, Alan and Kathy's granddaughter, came round with a Christmas surprise for her sick grandma - she brought a friend, Preston, and a Yamaha piano and he proceeded to give Kathy, and us, a private concert. he is a wonderful musician and gave us all a great deal of pleasure. what a thoughtful gift!

I am just off to raid the freezer to see what we can have for dinner, or we may push the boat out and send for pizza!!

In spite of this rather sombre journal entry I just want to wish you all a very happy Christmas day tomorrow with your loved ones. Only a week after Newtown spare a thought for the families of the two firefighters killed this morning. Both were volunteers, one was a serving police officer of 20 years. So utterly senseless.

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