
By Hillyblips


Big kiss and cuddles for everyone under my mistletoe tonight! :)

Rain again - pumps going again and all the photographs I have taken today suddenly and mysteriously disappeared and no matter how hard I have tried to find them they have gone - utterly and completely! So a quickie -

Vegetable prep - multitudinous - check
Table prep with exploding hand held confetti canons, streamers etc - check
Christmas wrapping - check
Bubbles - check
Turkey timings - check
Happy husband - hmmm working on that :)

Starting again on the photo front with guests here and balancing on the dining room table was not a good look in fairness! Still they are not all uploading - I really don't understand it! Not the best time to play up!

A very happy Christmas to everyone on blip and especially to blip buddies - you know who you are! :))

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