ARTISTIC, for the Challenge.

Thought hard what to post for the Widwed Challenge, and came up with the idea of a spider web, and luckily I found one near my bins. I thought the light was nice, so that is my blip for today. Many thanks to Bobsblips for hosting.
Left the house a bit later this morning 6.30am and the cloud in extras is what I saw, I thought it was lovely. Had to go to the doctors this morning for a cholesterol blood check, did some shopping and took the bus home.
I am now waiting for the people who are sorting my central heating to come and see what they have to do to get my kitchen radiators working. I know they are going to have to dig the floor up (cannot face it). The boss is coming to see exactly what it entails. Fingers crossed that it will not be too expensive as so far the bill is about £600. Ooch.
Many thanks for the lovely response to my little deer and fawn yesterday.

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