Sun & Clouds over Den Haag
At least a brighter day than yesterday with the sun out in a blue sky and those few clouds... plus warmer temps!
On the other hand, those clouds over the Houses of Parliament in Holland, also speak of the sudden turmoil there!
Another Secretary of State at the Ministery of Justice stepped down, yestereve... He's the 4th in a few years of time and from the same party as the others (Rutte's VVD / Dutch Liberals).
This political party here always places people from their midst as Minister and/or Secretary of State at the important and gigantic Ministery of Justice and always that leads to turmoil. A few years ago the Minister and Secretary had to leave coz of them keeping quiet over their hush up actions and now the SofS must leave coz he didn't notice immediately that the clergymen of his Ministery did some hush ups in their report....
The hushed up notes concern numbers of serious crimes committed here by asylumseekers, while awaiting their applications in asylum seeker centres... figures that matter to many and shouldn't be kept quiet, like the SofS thought too. Also the majority of Asylum seekers want those numbers out in the open (they are now) as they seek safety here in our country and not another load of threads and dangers.
I hope and wish tomorrow our votes at the ballot box will be PRO Europe! As we all need one another here as pals and not as opponents.
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