The White Sands of Morar.

Decided to have a drive up to Morar and drive up Loch Morar also went down into Arisaig. We stayed up this way many years ago and went to Rhum, Eigg,and Muck. Lots of lovely white beaches up this way, sat and ate our lunch on the sands, then drove up Loch Morar as we were going to have a walk up the loch and over to Tarbet on Loch Nevis, but we were a bit late getting there, so will leave it till next time. We had done this walk about 20 years ago, the parking at the end of the road has changed and not much space now. We saw the Harry Potter train going along the track and Glenfinnan car parks were packed at 10 o clock and packed on the way back. A great day out dry but cloudy.
Saw two lovely Collie dogs on the beach and got photo bombed by one, Misty would have loved it here.

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